Friday, May 25, 2012

Goings on...

I'm sorry I have been a super lame blogger basically since we moved to Arizona.  Part of it was on accident, part of it on purpose.  The on purpose part has mostly to do with the fact that my life is relatively boring.  With Jordan gone at work all day, Clara and I mostly just hang out and do the same things every day.  For a time there, I think I also was a bit depressed because of my boredom.  Nothing bad or overwhelming or anything, but going from a life that was full of activities and busy-ness to the highlight of my week being purchasing Clara a wheel-barrow... well, I was a little sad about it.

I have discovered this is a totally common thing for new mothers to go through.  In the early months, I was very lucky because Jordan was able to work from home, and even though it meant we were totally poor, it also helped keep any boredom and loneliness at bay.  But once Jordan got a real, grown-up job, and I was suddenly facing 40 hours a week at home alone with a baby, well, I didn't really know what to do with myself.  And while I still haven't really figured out exactly how to keep my mind occupied, it's gotten easier as Clara has gotten older and I've had more time to make friends.

I never remember anyone ever talking about the isolation and loneliness being the hardest part of stay-at-home motherhood.  And probably for many women, it isn't the hardest thing.  I heard how hard it is to cater to your baby, the lack of sleep, all the work that comes from running a house... those things haven't been a real struggle for me (thanks to an awesome husband who is always willing to jump in and help with domestic duties).  For me, it's been the boredom.  And what to do about the boredom.  And since I've discovered this about myself, I've realized I'm hardly alone.

Of course exciting things have happened recently.  We bought a lovely home, we're expecting a new baby (and my most recent batch of not-blogging really has more to do with being morning sick than being bored), I'm about to have a busy summer full of Alaska awesomeness, and Clara has just started doing so many new things!

Anyway, I started writing about all those exciting things going on, but I realized that would turn this into a REAL novel.  Watch for future posts on all things exciting in our lives!


  1. I totally agree with ou Amanda about the loneliness. Those sweet little kids are awesome, but we need adult conversation!!! I've just started making more friends and I've been a lot happier when I've been more social. It's hard to be away from friends and family. If I was there I'd totally hang out with you! :)

  2. Amanda, my friend has twins and an awesome blog about being their stay at home mom. I think you would really like it! It's
