Friday, January 7, 2011

Growing like a weed

She's huge! My baby is getting so big. And so cute. At this point, all you have to do is look at her to get her to smile. She's very easily entertained. She doesn't laugh all the time, but her smiles are sweet and generous. My favorite thing to do is to just sit and look at her, and watch while she gives me gorgeous smiles and cute, impish looks.

She's also quite the talker. One time I was laying down with her, and I was telling what a cute baby she was, and every time I opened my mouth to start to say something, she would coo at me... before I could finish staying my first word! Already interrupting me, silly girl. I love her smiles, but I think my favorite is to hear her talking to me.

Jordan and I are finally cracking down on the sleep! I'm a bit of a softy, so I've been pretty generous with her sleep. Well, now she's a big ole 3 month old, and she's going to be sleeping right! The book that I use to help me is Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, which I really enjoy. It talks a lot about how sleep is best for babies/children, and what they're developmentally ready for. The biggest point that the author talks about is that so often our babies get overtired, and when they're overtired they have a harder time getting to sleep. It's important to watch for the sleep signs BEFORE they get fussy, because that's when they'll fall asleep the easiest and stay asleep the longest.

Our big problem with Clara is that she wasn't going to bed for the night until 11 or midnight, and at her age they really should be getting down at 6 or 7pm. So we've started our campaign. Right now we're working on just 8pm, but in the next few weeks I'm aiming for 7pm, earlier if she starts looking tired. It's going alright... she's definately sleeping better in her own bed. At this point she's definately asleep by 10pm, wake up to eat at 2am and at 6am and is up for the day at 8am. Not too bad. She naps pretty well, so if we can get her bed time worked out, I think we'll be ok. I try not to get my hopes up, though, because then I just end up getting disappointed when things aren't as easy as I was hoping.

As long as she gets adequate sleep, Clara is a very sweet, happy baby. She's so easy! I know this phase won't last forever (soon I'm going to have to be chasing her around everywhere... *sigh*), but she's easily entertained and if you put her in one spot, she stays there. Oh yeah, have I mentioned that she's ridiculously cute?

1 comment:

  1. Are you bringing me this rediculously cute baby soon? I need to meet her!
