Sunday, January 16, 2011

A day in the life...

In the last year, my daily life has changed DRAMATICALLY. I've gone from being a full-time student who could basically go and do anything I wanted at anytime, to, well, not so much. Here's a normal day for Mommy Manda (starting at midnight)

1am - Clara wakes me up to eat. Goes back to sleep immediately. I go back to sleep on the coach as a habit, because if she DOES wake back up in the next hour, it's too heartbreaking to get back out of bed.
3am- I wake up in a panic that Clara's died. I go check to make sure she's breathing. She is.
5am - Yay! Four hours again! Clara wakes up to eat, goes back to sleep immediately. I decide to try my luck in my own bed with Jordan... still hoping she sleeps for at least another 3 hours.
8:30am - Clara wakes up to eat (what a great baby giving her mom so much sleep), stays awake. I make myself breakfast, attempt to give Clara tummy-time. I look at the dishes, knowing that I should do them. Procrastinate.
8:35- Clara hates tummy-time. I give in and flip her on her back. I eat breakfast and check email/facebook.
9am - I go peak in on Jordan. Still sleeping. He was up late last night working.
9:15 - Clara starts to get fussy. I put her in her swaddler and get her into her bed.
9:30 - Clara fusses in bed. I comfort her/give her the binkie.
10am - Jordan wakes up, we exchange dream stories. Clara wakes up. I declare that 45 min is NOT a long enough nap, go in and try to get her to sleep longer.
10:15- Clara wakes up again. Hardly long enough. Put binkie back in mouth.
10:30 - Clara wakes up. I give in. She's up. I feed her a bit. I hand her off to Jordan so I can get a break.
10:45 - Still fussy. She really needs a longer nap. I get her ready... AGAIN (worrying that I"m a horrible mother), she goes directly to sleep. I check facebook.
11am - Clara still asleep, I read Babyproofing your Marriage. Glance at dishes again, knowing Clara will be asleep for only so long. Continue to procrastinate.
Noon - Clara wakes up happy. I declare I am the best parent ever. I bug Jordan while he works. We rock. Oh, look, she's smiling at Jordan! She LOVES her daddy! I play with Clara while watching an episode of Gilmore Girls. Still procrastinating dishes, and now it's noon and I still haven't showered/gotten dressed.
12:45 - Episode ends. I glance at the dishes again. I hate dishes.
1pm - Clara starts looking sleepy, back down for another nap (she really only stays awake for about an hour at a time most days).
1:15- Hungry again. I hunt around in my kitchen for food, hating myself for not cleaning. If I cleaned it, I'd feel like cooking.
1:30 - after looking around the kitchen, I realize we have no food to eat. I make a grocery list. Hop in the shower (finally) and get dressed in real clothes.
2pm - Clara's still asleep? AWESOME. I'm running to the grocery store. Tell Jordan to look after the baby.
3pm - return from grocery store with a TON of groceries. Clara's still asleep? We are the best parents ever. Put away groceries. Also, think "I should reorganize my cabinet." And "Those stupid dishes." Continue to procrastinate.
3:15- Realize I never ate. Try to make a healthy choice, but add a cookie to my salad.... Not too bad, right? Now what's for dinner? I also check facebook, briefly.
3:30 - Go check to make sure Clara's breathing. Still breathing. And sleeping. Watch a Stargate. What a stellar parent I am *sarcasm*
4pm - Clara still asleep. I realize the minute I begin the dishes, Clara will wake up, but I finally decide procrastinating any longer will make me the World's Worst Homemaker (partly because I hate cooking dinner in a messy kitchen). I start the dishes.
4:05- Clara wakes up. I feed her.
4:30- I give a Jordan a choice: Dishes or Clara (I'm a great wife, I know). He chooses Clara, I continue dishes.
5:00 - Yay! Dishes are finally done! Now, dinner...
5:45 - Fish tacos for dinner. I wonder if Jordan will like them. Clara is really fussy, I waited too long to put her down for a nap, and now she's overtired. I get her ready for a nap before we eat.
6:00 - Clara's finally down. We start dinner.
6:05 - I'm about to open my mouth to eat food, when I hear Clara cry. I go calm her down.
6:15 - Another bite poised to enter my mouth, when I hear a Clara cry. I debate with Jordan if we should just let her cry a bit, or go calm her again. Jordan puts her binkie back in, comes back and we eat.
6:30 - Clara's still upset. I go feed her a bit and she goes to sleep. Jordan and I watch a Stargate together. I check facebook. Yes, again.
7:15- Clara wakes up. That's ok, she can be awake. she had a HUGE nap earlier, and I want her to sleep tonight.
8pm - Get Clara ready for real bed. Like, until the morning. Get her in pjs, read a book, have a nice nightly feeding, and then into her pack-n-play she goes. She goes directly to sleep, I congradulate myself on some rockin' parenting I'm doing here. Jordan and I watch the lastest Office episode to celebrate our success.
8:45 - Clara cries. What? She's supposed to be asleep for the night. I go in and her eyes are WIDE awake, and she smiles at me. No! Stop being so cute! You're supposed to be asleep! The book says you should be sleep! I rock her for 3 minutes, put her back in bed, walk out.
8:50 - Clara starts crying. I let her cry for five minutes.
8:55 - I go in and calm her down. Put binkie back in, and leave.
8:58 - Clara cries. I let her cry for 10 minutes.
9:08 - I go in and calm her down. Put binkie back in, leave.
9:10 - Clara cries. I give up, put her in her swing in her dark bedroom. She goes directly to sleep. I'm such a lame mom resorting to the swing to get her to sleep...
9:15 - Jordan plays some football while think about cleaning the kitchen again. I swear someday I'll be on top of this whole homemaking thing... I decide to read a book instead.
10pm - Clara's well asleep, I go and stop her swing, but leave her in it. She stays asleep. Jordan's working on my computer, so I finally go and put those things away that will go bad/make us sick. Oh, yeah, I might have an addiction. Yet AGAIN I check facebook. I feel guilty that I haven't done tonight's dishes, but managed to check facebook...
10:30 - I'm tired. Going to bed. I go in the room and very, very, very carefully move Clara from her swing to her bed. I stand there a minute. She doesn't move. I dare not be happy. I walk out and slowly get ready for bed, bug Jordan about coming to bed. He's still working.
11pm - Clara's still asleep, I'm ready for bed, Jordan's brushing his teeth. I double check that she's breathing before I go lay in my bed. Good. Jordan and I talk for about 15 minutes about how cute she is. Then we debate on when to have another one (Amanda: "But we did such a great job the first time!" Jordan: "You're already crazy, can't we wait until you're normal again?")

Yeah, that's not how my life was a year ago. But guess what? All I can think about is how darn cute that baby is! Oh, and worrying about her next nap. And checking facebook.


  1. hahaha-oh Amanda! What a rollercoaster! When do I get to see how cute she is?

  2. I love the play-by-play. Gives me a great idea on what to expect :)

  3. Don't you love it!? I only wish Benjamin napped as long as Clara does! He's pretty much good only taking a 20-40 minute nap four times a day. Mostly he just wants to smile and play! Aren't they so cute you could just die!? Ps good to know I'm not the only one still in my pjs at noon having a stare-down with a sink of dishes! :)
