Thursday, March 14, 2013

Clara in 2013 (so far)

Clara has really hit that hilarious toddler phase.  As cliche as it sounds, she really does make us laugh every day.  More than that, she amazes me every day.  Here are some fun things she's been doing and saying:

1. She loves her princesses.  Like, wow.  LOVES her princesses.  Her love of princesses came out of nowhere.  We don't own a princess movie.  We don't read princess books.  But somehow, she saw the figurines and knew exactly what they were, and she plays with them  And I love it.  I love that she's found something she loves.

2. She loves wearing "princess dresses."  She asks to wear a princess dress every day.  She gets so excited on Sunday, because it means she can wear her prettiest dresses.

3. Clara loves nursery, and every morning she asks if she can go.  The reason we survive Sacrament Meeting is that we can say, "In a few minutes you can go to Nursery!  So be quiet so you can go!"  Works like a charm.

4. She has seriously surprised me with how quickly she picks up music.  I know some people are surprised saying, "But you're a musician!  Of course your kid is musical!"  But I really didn't  feel that way, because I'm not a naturally talented musician (meaning I don't pick up songs and melodies by ear easily).  Clara, on the other hand, picks up melodies quickly and remembers them for days.  And she learns so many songs through nursery that I have never, ever sung for her.  It's so amazing.  But my favorite thing is when I sing her a song, and she cuddles in and says, "I like that song, Mommy." *melt*

5. Clara adores Lucy.  She loves to make Lucy smile and laugh.  When they have been playing together, and Lucy gets a bit overwhelmed and needs me to pick her up, Clara get's upset and says, "Lucy lay down!" and pats the place where she was, right next to her.

6. Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood is her favorite show.  She asks for Daniel Tiger every morning.  She named her stuffed bear "Tiggy" after Daniel Tiger's stuffed tiger, Tiggy.  Cute, right?

7. She is so so so sneaky.  If I'm not careful with her pacifier, my phone, or any delicious food, she can get her stool and get it on almost any surface.  It's my life very complicated.


  1. You guys are so stinkin cute. :) Good job, Mama! Your little girlies are too sweet!

  2. First I have to sayt is so neat to see you in this little human! That first picture, wow!

    Then, I'm just way excited to see you this summer and meet the BIG baby clara and new baby lucy! (still trying to get Elyse and Liam to let go of Baby in front of Claras name) I'm hoping for lots of sunshine so we can all play at the lake/run through sprinkers!
