Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day Seventeen: Your Favorite Birthday

Seeing as tomorrow is really my 25th birthday, I thought this post was fitting! I don't really have a favorite birthday, but I have a top ten countdown of my favorite birthday moments... so here we go:

10. Buying my own cake when I turned 20 years old in Nacogdoches. It was late at night, and the only cake left was a baby shower cake. I wanted a baby, so it was pretty much perfect!

9. Sitting outside the MOA at BYU with Jordan on the morning of my 23rd birthday. I was telling him how all I wanted to do that day was pet a kitten. :) It was very sweet and romantic.

8. For one of my younger birthdays (6, I think?), I wanted a tiered cake like a wedding cake for my birthday. That's all I wanted. I asked basically everyday. I remember obsessing over that cake. And my dad totally made it happen.

7. When I was a freshman in high school, I turned 15 during our flight on our way to New York. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me. I was the only freshman and pretty shy, so I thought that was pretty darn awesome.

6. I turned 11 during a trip to Juneau with the jump rope team during a competition (this is so for real, btw). I was pretty nervous about it, even writing a story about it a month earlier for creative writing. They all gave me a surprise party! It was the first one I ever had, and I was SO happy!

5. I was pregnant last year (turning 24) and we went to Tucano's, which made me sick (not hard to do). We went to see Alice in Wonderland which made me naucous (not surprising). But Jordan fixed all that by getting one of my favorite board games: Dominion. I was sick, but having a blast!

4. My first birthday. I don't remember it. I don't even know if I have a picture, but it seems important enough that I simply managed to make it to that first year to mention it.

3. For my 18th birthday, I was in New York with my high school choir again! I visited the Empire State Building, went shopping, and then got a surprise party in the hotel with the most delicious cake and tons of presents. I mean, seriously, 18th birthday at the top of the Empire State Building? My life rocks.

2. When I turned 21 I was in Nacogdoches. The normal way to celebrate that is to go drinking. I, of course, do not participate in such traditions, so during opera rehearsal (Marriage of Figaro) two of my friends brought me a cake. Not just any cake, an amazing IGLOO cake. It was SO COOL! And it must have taken a lot of work. Thanks Mandy and Bonnie!

1. The most famous of all birthdays: Jordan was home from his mission just short of a month. He took me out to the Turtle Club(the most delicious and expensive restaurant in Fairbanks). I thought he was going to propose. He did not. I decided I had never tried the lobster, and wanted to try it. It said "At Market Price." I assumed it couldn't be THAT expensive, right? Oh, yeah, it was $55. And I liked Jordan's prime rib better.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! My cake made it to your top birthday list! :) I didn't get a chance to text ya yesterday but Happy Late Birthday!
