Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I am alive!

Clara will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. I feel like she's getting bigger right in front of my eyes. It's amazing how different I feel like she looks, even now. She's definitely longer, with chubbier little cheeks and legs. Jordan and I spend a good part of our days just snuggling with her and obsessively discussing how she's the cutest baby ever. She's just lovely.

I'm recovering well. There were some rough days there at the beginning when I was still feeding her obsessively every 2 or 3 hours (like, waking her up to feed her) and she would fall asleep while nursing. I was really worried she wasn't getting enough to eat. She surpassed her birth weight at the 2 week appointment, so no worries! I'm sleeping longer at nights, and she's sorta starting to develop something of a nap schedule... kind of.

I'm also really proud that I haven't let the apartment (in terms of cleaning) get away from me. I knew this would be important to my sanity, and I figured out a way to do just enough so that I don't go crazy, but not so much that I'm obsessive. I'm a much better housekeeper as a mom than I was before, which is strange...

Jordan's been such a blessing to have around. I actually have to be careful I don't use him TOO much, because he really has work and studying to get done. We've been blessed to have tons more work hours avaliable to us this month (and probably for the next few months), which means we finally aren't totally broke! WOOT! Jordan's also working towards taking the third actuarial exam in early November, so he's really busy. But he always have time to change Clara's diaper and cuddle her for a bit so I can grab a shower or a quick nap. I'm SOOO lucky... :)


  1. Love, love, love! Clara is beautiful, and it sounds like you and Jordan are great parents- as if there was ever a doubt. I did (finally) send off your package, did you get it yet? I can't remember when I sent it... a week ago? Anywho, more pictures please :)

  2. Do you use the bouncer chair I sent? :)

  3. Hooray for fabulous husbands & cute little babies! I have the former; I'm just waiting on the latter to get here & hearing about how wonderful Clara is just makes me all the more anxious to meet our little guy!

    Let me know if you need anything & want to give Jordan a break or if he isn't around & you need some "me" time. I will be there in a heartbeat! :) xoxo

  4. Clara really is such a cute baby! I want to snuggle her again, she's so sweet! It makes such a huge difference having a husband that is willing to be hands-on. After all, he's a parent too! I never understood men that felt like taking care of a child was all woman's work. If it wasn't for my husband, I would've had an even more of a rough time adjusting. So glad that you have a wonderful husband who is supportive and pulling his weight as a dad. Let me know if you ever need anything! Like a date night! I would love to cuddle Clara for a couple of hours while you guys go out!
