Saturday, December 12, 2009

this week=not cool

Oh man, people, oh man. This week has NOT been fun. And I still have one more crazy day like it. Yuck. Usually I have everything turned in before finals week and I just breeze through it, pretty much starting my vacation early. Not so this semester. Since last Wednesday I've had a killer hard listening exam (did you know all atonal music sounds the same?), juries, a final in aesthetics, a 15 page paper to write, and finally tomorrow a 2 1/2 hour essay exam.

The worst has been the paper. I "finished" it tonight... 11 out of 15. That's all I could squeak out! The good news is that I've done well on every other exam, and I should do well on teh really long test tomorrow, so I can afford a pretty bad grade on this paper to still pass the class. Not that I'm proud of it, it's really a miserable paper.

Other than that, we did have fun last night when I invited my whole 111 class here for a Christmas party at the apartment (I only had 7 students this semester, they all fit easily). I cooked all the food which was exhausting! I think I truly know what it means to slave over a hot stove, I had all the windows in the house open. I made beef stew, pigs in a blanket and pumpkin cookies with maple frosting... yum. I thought it was a success. We watched Elf (I forgot how funny that movie is) and in general had a grand old time.

Jordan's had a final everyday since Monday, and they've been hard! He feels like he's done really well, though, so that's good news for us. We put up a Christmas tree (yay!) and it's gorgeous. We've been trying to remind ourselves that it's Christmas even though we're both pretty stressed out. It'll all be over tomorrow at 5! We fly out on Monday, and then we're home! Oh man, I sure do miss Alaska...

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