Monday, September 13, 2010


That's the new official declaration by my doctor. It's been a really rough month of being pregnant: the flu, then a nasty cough, then some miserable back pain due to the cough (went to the chiropractor about that...), the flu again, then to the hospital because of suspected pre-eclampsia. And, after today, no more running errands.

The hospital trip was yesterday when my flu-like symptoms made me a bit suspicious there could be something more going on. I was also unusually swollen, without doing much walking around and I also had some really sudden weight gain (which has NOT been typical of my pregnancy), this combined with the fact that my blood pressure has been elevated since about week 20 made me worry that it could be pre-eclampsia. So we headed to the hospital on the advice of our brother-in-law doctor Bed (we love you Ben!), just to make sure everything was ok. After a series of tests, they went ahead and told me I could go home, but I had to take it easy and run some MORE tests, and see my Doctor on Tuesday.

Well, my Doctor got the hospital reports back this morning and decided it was necessary to see me today, to officially diagnose me with mild pre-eclampsia, tell me not to move around, that I have to take my blood pressure 4 times a day, and try to keep this baby in me for at least another week.

The good news is that bed rest doesn't mess me up too bad, since I basically hang around the house all day anyway. And since I'm full-term, I'm totally ok with this baby coming sooner rather than later, so I don't have much to complain about. Well, all the tests they made me take have not been a joy ride, but I'm happy to say I think this whole pregnancy thing should wrap up in the next two weeks! WOOHOO! I'm so excited to meet this little person!

Any bets yet on if it's a boy or girl?


  1. Amanda! I'm both worried about you and excited that your baby could come so soon!!! Take care of yourself and try to get comfortable... though that's pretty much impossible at this point, I can attest to! Keep us updated!

    P.S. I think it's a boy! :)
