Friday, April 9, 2010

Pregnancy is funny...

I have looked forward to pregnancy my whole life, because I was quite curious as to how it would affect me. I've watched many people be pregnant, and it seems there's always a couple of really funny little quirks that come out. I won't lie, I was hoping to be pregnant like my mom: hardly ever nauseous, generally happier and more relaxed, and always glowing. My mom was a lovely glowing pregnant lady (I swear pregnancy has had an subtraction effect on her aging process: as she gets older, she starts looking younger...).

Sadly, no such luck for me.

My morning sickness kicked in a little later than usual, but kick in it did! Woo! I was NOT expecting that. Um, so here's a "short" list of things I've found to be very strange about me being pregnant...

1. I know I used to like food. I know I did. I loved food! I have 50 pounds of extra weight to prove that I liked food! But, alas, the joy is now lost on me. I look at bowl of ice cream, and all I feel is nausea. That pizza: man, I remember it tasting good, I really do... but yuck! The best example of this was my birthday. I'm super picky about my cakes, and I really wanted a "Sam's Club" cake. It was beautiful! Lovely mint green, perfect amount of frosting... yeah, I ate half a piece. Then that cake sat in our fridge for THREE WEEKS. I didn't touch a single bit of it. That's not will-power, people, that's revulsion. It was so sad...

2. I have "food fantasies." I rarely get really strong cravings, but when I do, it's like a commercial playing in my head. The first one was tater-tots. I thought about those tater-tots... obsessed about their salty goodness, imagined myself biting into the crispy outer layer, and enjoying the warm toasty inside... after a couple of days, I finally gave in. And I haven't eaten tater-tots since then. It wasn't a bad experience, I just now gag at the thought of them. So far, this has happened with Chilis chips and salsa, laffy-taffy, hostess fruit pies, turkey dinner, and plain white rice.

3. I have the most powerful gag reflex EVER. If you think just swallowing pills is bad, I can hardly brush my teeth!

4. Surprising benefit: I have been far too queasy to do the dishes! Jordan's a total stud about it too... the last two months he's been pretty much the only one doing them. I tried a couple of days ago, and, well, lets just say it ended badly. Something about little bits of food floating in a sink... *shudder*

5. Fun Fact! When you vomit really violently, you break capillaries in your face! I've had this happen at least twice so far! Good times! (*please note sarcasm*)

6. The best part of pregnancy is all the sleep! I LOVE SLEEP! And now I can do it as much as I want! Last month, Jordan finally gave in and said, "Amanda, I'm going to offically stop bugging you about how much you sleep. Sleep whenever you want."* Oh, man, am I taking this to town! I sleep about 10 hours at night, plus if I can work it in, a nap at 2 or 3 in the afternoon.
*Side note: Since we've been married, Jordan's been very concerned about my sleeping habits. No, I don't stay up till 2am or anything, I just sleep. A lot. His favorite line is: "Too much sleep is just as bad as not enough sleep." Psh. Whatev. Sleep's the best.

7. I tend to have actual morning morning sickness. For sure, in the mornings it's the worst for me. Trying to get food in my tummy after it's empty is so not fun.

I can't say pregnancy has been kind to me... I also can't say I've enjoyed it much so far. For the first little bit I was concerned, because I wasn't even sure if there was a baby in there! Maybe I was so sick for nothing! But after last week, when we heard the heartbeat, I've felt very assured that even though everyday I'm spewing my guts out, I'm going to get a cute little baby out of it in the end... :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you Amanda! doesn't sound fun, but it's definitely exciting. Oh and so you know, I'm not pregnant, BUT I have thrown up so hard that I've burst capillaries in my face AND I have food cravings in the form of commercials frequently... I'm just kind of weird though.
